Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hair : Make your hair permanently straight without heating devices

Hallo everybody !

Here's the come back of the season ! After a couple of non-active months due to increased responsibilities here we go again , adding more pages in our beauty secret notebook frequently !

Today's article is about hair and specifically how to make your hair stand straight naturally , without any heating source just by using a mixture consisted of your kitchen's ingredients .

What i love on these remedies is that everything you use is natural so you don't run any risk of allergic reaction to chemicals , it's usually low cost if you have a well organized kitchen and doesn't harm your hair/skin or any other tissue of your body.

Since it's a natural method , it may not give you hyper straight hair if your natural is afro or really tight curls but even in that case it will leave you with some loose waves , equally sexy result :3

Long time - no see , long texts had to be ! Let's get started :D !

You will need :


  • 1 clean jar 
  • a pot for mixing and stiring
  • access to heat


  • 1 cup of coconut milk 
  • juice of 1 medium lemon
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 tbsp cornstarch 

What to do with that ? Really simple .

  • Mix the lemon juice with the cornstarch until all lumps will be gone ( will be helpful if you add the cornstarch in sections so you have more liquid to stir with )
  • Pour the coconut milk and olive oil in the pot , make sure they are properly mixed and then put the pot on medium heat . 
  • Add gently the mix you previously made ( cornstarch + lemon juice ) and stir until you get a creamy mixture. Stir frequently so you won't burn it !
  • Once it's done , let it cool a little and pour it in your clean jar . Congratulations !

Once you make the desired product ( well done witches muahahahaha 3:) ) , what's next ? 

Ah yes , Application !

The treatment will take place BEFORE SHOWERING . 

  • Apply the product on your roots - lengths and ends , cover your head with a shower cup or a hot towel so that the heat will let your hair absorb the product and let it on for 1-2 hours ( or more ) . 
  • Then bath normally washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner . 

The more you use this treatment the more visible results you'll get . Due to the oil and milk presence , your hair will not only be straight but also silky since those ingredients tend to hydrate and repair your hair . Silky hair + absence of heat/straightening devices = healthy beautiful hair that will start growing noticeably fast since you won't damage them and break their ends !

Ta daaaaan ! Hope you found this article useful ! If so , don't hesitate to message me and send me your results/photos/comments on my social media accounts !
 Is there anything you want to request/ask/suggest ?
 Let me know and i'll do my best to respond and require your requests on my following articles !
 Till next update spread our beauty secrets and stay tuned for more , really soon !
Hugs ,



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About Me

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A very multitasking elf in modern times. A molecular biologist specialized in cancer research (MSc), a marine scientist (BSc) and Fitness Coach who aims to share light and help the world. Besides academia, elven eyes stare at beauty and self improvement with separate blogs dedicated to the topic, where you can access education, tips and inspiring mindset ideas. The minimal spare time of an elf includes a lot of nature strolls, exercise, art and handcraft creation, book reading and positivity manifestation.