Monday, November 24, 2014

Hair : Get high volume wavy hair without heating devices

(super recommended both for straight hair and curly hair that need styling without using hot irons) 

Hallo beauties :3

Today i'm here with a new hairstyle which has been requested some times and it was an issue i was really interested in .CURLS. Let me explain :

My hair is naturally really straight and some times i get bored of it so i thought it would be nice to curl them or make them wavy for a night or something. Then i tried way too many different techniques to do my hair but every time my hair was turning back to straight after 10 minutes max.

Home-made natural options were not so effective and i didn't liked the fact that i had to use 1000000000 different hair products to secure that my hair would resist the moisture and keep the hairstyle i gave to them.

Heating devices gave a more professional result but they have the strong disadvantage of frying your hair upon frequent use. You should also wait until your hair are completely dry before you use them and all in all (in my case) after some time my hair were straight again.

After many years of experimenting i ended up that braiding is the most effective process ( at least it worked really great on me ) BUUUUUUT there are some secrets here that i discovered through practice and gave me the desired result !

Are you excited about this? Keep reading ^_^

First step : 

wash your hair as you normally do :) Ensure that you have applied a moisturising product in any format that you prefer ( cream-washout or leave-in , spray , mousse etc ) - it will make your hair super smooth when they get dry 

Second step : 

brush your hair when they are wet but not right after showering because hair have not the same flexibility and hairs might break if you don't brush them gently

I was really silly at that moment :P Try to ignore it

Third step : 

start braiding your hair FROM THE ROOTS ( this will give high volume to your roots ) and stop your braids around 5cm before you reach the ends. This is the most important step. Also make sure your hair won't be either too wet or too dry when you start braiding . I started braiding around an hour after shower ( didn't use any dryer - just a towel the first 5 minutes to absorb any extra water ) , so they were still a bit wet. The more braids you make the more volume you will get . I made around 15-17 braids. TIP: Some leave-in oil suitable for WET hair will do a REALLY HUGE difference on the final texture.

Fourth step : 

Let them on for as much as you can. I braided my hair 3 hours before going to bed so 3 hours before sleep + 9 hours of sleep + 4 hours since i woke up = 16 hours in total . I am pretty sure it would work fine for way less hours too but since i was sleeping i didn't care that much about it , the more you leave it on the better result you'll get.

Fifth step : 

Solve your hair right before you go to the event/place/whenever you have to go . Your hair will be super silky and wavy . Also the fact that you stopped your braids 5cm before reaching your ends will not spoil your hair length ( curling your hair also makes them look shorter than they look when they are straight ) :D Put on some hairspray both in roots and lengths , headbang a little and you are ready :3


This is the final result on the first day :)

 I liked the result so at the end of the first day , before going to bed , i sprayed my hair with the hairspray i used earlier and cought them up in a messy bun using a hairband :) I slept like that and in the morning ( day two ) my hair were still super wavy ! )

So here's how it looked like at day two : Extra volume and still super wavy

My redhead friend has naturally curly hair - so the result looks
quite natural as you can see :D

That was it for today darlings :D
Hope you liked my article and that my recommendation will be useful for you :)
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Thank you so much for visiting , come back soon <3


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A very multitasking elf in modern times. A molecular biologist specialized in cancer research (MSc), a marine scientist (BSc) and Fitness Coach who aims to share light and help the world. Besides academia, elven eyes stare at beauty and self improvement with separate blogs dedicated to the topic, where you can access education, tips and inspiring mindset ideas. The minimal spare time of an elf includes a lot of nature strolls, exercise, art and handcraft creation, book reading and positivity manifestation.